On April 5th 2002, in Stockholm, Bob Dylan
chose to perform his first ‘Solid Rock’
since November 21st 1981. About five weeks later,
fifteen European audiences had been presented
with this rocking gem. In May 2002 my wife Catina and I had
the pleasure to cross the Irish Sea
in order to attend all the eight British concerts
at the end of this fine European tour, thus
seeing Dylan perform ‘Solid Rock’
three times, in Cardiff, in Newcastle,
and in London; and solid rock indeed it was,
every time. In August 2002 ‘Solid Rock’ was performed twice,
once in the US, and once in Canada; and in October 2002
in Seattle Dylan chose to open his fall tour with
‘Solid Rock’ on the piano, an opener which he repeated
once more in Las Vegas.
Some probably have asked themselves:
Why did Dylan sing a song
like this, with a fervour reminiscent of his
early Gospel tours where this bold
confession had its original setting?
Why did Dylan in 2002 pull out these lyrics
from 1979 about a lasting relationship with Jesus Christ,
saying that for him this
Jesus had been chastised, hated, and rejected?
Why does he tell us that he won’t
let go no more of this ‘Solid Rock’ he keeps hanging on to?
Some might be quick to answer that he is not
serious at all in doing so. He
might be faking it, detached from his own lyrics;
maybe even being a hypocrite,
pretending to be someone he is not.
Some might say that he is just singing the
song for the fun of it, not at all intending
to convey any biblical truth, let alone to
share any information about his abiding faith.
Well, I don ’t think so!
Having followed Dylan’s set lists very closely
for some time now, as well as the
content of the lyrics presented on stage,
it was a bit surprising to see this particular
choice after all these years,
because Dylan decided to use the words of one of
his own songs to communicate the state of
his personal belief to his audience. But
Dylan has conveyed messages of this sort
to his audiences throughout recent
years, and it is my contention that he
does this intentionally, both with his choice
of particular songs on some nights
and with several juxtapositions of certain
thought-provoking songs.
When commenting on a specific part of Dylan's
recent performance repertoire, it is also possible
to read a lot between the lines of numerous lyrics.
Those lyrics would be very well compatible
with the biblical viewpoints clearly conveyed
in those performances I would like to spotlight,
as I focus on the more unambiguous
lyrics of certain cover songs and certain
Dylan songs performed from 1999 to 2004.
Winston Watson had told me in June 1996,
during a very nice chat outside the Old
Opera House in Frankfurt, that he would
love to play ‘Gotta Serve Somebody’ while
being a part of Dylan’s band. Sadly he never got
to play it, as that summer tour was his last
one as Dylan’s drummer. But even before
Dylan reintroduced ‘Gotta Serve
Somebody’ into his set in June 1998,
occasional performances of ‘I Believe in You’
(two of which my wife and I had witnessed
in Germany, in Cologne 1994 and in
Dortmund 1995), of ‘In the Garden’, and
of ‘Every Grain of Sand’ gave us reason to
believe that Dylan had not renounced the
faith he embraced during that time period
in which he wrote these songs, and in
which I started to listen to his music.
But Dylan did, after almost seven
years, reintroduce ‘Gotta Serve Somebody’
into his set, and before he began opening
his concerts with an acoustic set in April
1999, he would start more than another
fifty shows within nine months with this
extremely challenging song. Often he
would make up new lyrics for the verses,
something he had already done before.
The rather general yet challenging
statement of the chorus was however the most
obvious Christian Dylan lyric recurring on
stage. In November 1998 ‘I Believe in You’
(a very personal song, if understood to be
addressed to God) had one rare appearance,
which would be the only one
between 1996 and 2002. ‘In the Garden’
(which clearly speaks about Jesus Christ,
including his resurrection) had not been
performed since 1996 as well, and would
not show up until spring 2001 (once only)
and spring 2002 (also once).
However, some other songs did show up
in February 1999, when Dylan
chose to sing two very old hymns, in
versions resembling the ones recorded by
the Stanley Brothers. The first was ‘Rock
of Ages’, which was performed once that
month, two more times the following
November, and seven times in spring
2000. The other hymn, ‘Pass Me Not, O
Gentle Savior’ was performed twice that
month and three more times as well in
spring 2000. This song appeared since
during several sound checks, both in July
2000 and April 2001, and even as late as
August 2002, indicating Dylan’s continuing
consideration of its inclusion in the
‘While I draw this fleeting breath, when
my eyes shall close in death, when I rise
to worlds unknown, and behold Thee
on Thy throne, Rock of Ages, cleft for
me, let me hide myself in Thee’
‘Let me at Thy throne of mercy find a
sweet relief, kneeling there in deep
contrition, help my unbelief. Savior,
Savior, hear my humble cry, while on
others Thou art calling, do not pass me
Given the personal history of his
relationship with this ‘Rock of Ages’ and
‘Gentle Savior’, Dylan would probably not
have sung lyrics like these, especially in the
passionate way he did, if he had totally
disentangled himself from the meaning of
them. Listening to his humble cry in the
words written by a blind lady poet from
the nineteenth century, I heard the most
vulnerable Dylan since ‘When He Returns’
and ‘What Can I Do For You?’ decades
earlier. And it sure sounded like this ‘Solid
Rock’ he sang about back then remained
both his major place of refuge while he
draws this fleeting breath, and the place he
is ‘ready to go’ to when his eyes shall close
in death.
1999 also saw the introduction of three
new openers, which Dylan probably
would not have kept on using until 2002
if the lyrics did not have a very personal
meaning to him. During those four years 30 shows have
started with ‘Somebody Touched Me’, 38
concerts began with ‘Hallelujah, I’m
Ready To Go’, and 59 times Dylan has
walked on stage and opened with ‘I Am
The Man Thomas’.
‘Somebody Touched Me’ my wife and
I witnessed twice on consecutive Sundays
in September 2000, in Glasgow and at the
first Portsmouth show. The Portsmouth
version, which is as good as it gets, later
appeared as the opening track on the
officially released Japanese album Bob Dylan
Live 1961-2000 - Thirty-nine years of great
concert performances, which also was sold
in European record stores.
‘Glory, glory, glory, somebody touched
me. Must've been the hand of the Lord.
While I was praying, somebody touched
me. Must've been the hand of the Lord.
It was on a Sunday, somebody touched
me. Must've been the hand of the Lord.
Glory, glory, glory, somebody touched
me. Must've been the hand of the Lord.’
These simple yet powerful lyrics
convey an equally simple yet powerful
truth, which many a struggling believer
has experienced. It is not up to the
believer, but up to God to bless and heal
with the touch of His hand, which alone
imparts lasting glory. After Dylan was
‘Saved’, he told us that ‘by His hand I’ve
been delivered’, and this hand still keeps
and sustains the singer, who says that he
‘can see the Master’s hand in every leaf that
trembles, in every grain of sand’.
‘Hallelujah, I ’m Ready To Go’ we saw
three times in September 2000, in
Aberdeen, in Cardiff, and at the second
Portsmouth show.
‘Dark was the night, not a star was in
sight, on a highway heading down below,
I let my Savior in, and he saved my soul
from sin, Hallelujah, I'm ready to go.
Hallelujah, I'm ready, I can hear the
voices singing soft and low, I'm ready,
Hallelujah, Hallelujah, I'm ready to go.
Sinner don't wait before it's too late. He's
a wonderful Savior to know. Well, I fell
on my knees, and he answered my pleas,
Hallelujah, I'm ready to go.’
When opening a concert with these
lyrics, Dylan chooses to point directly
toward his wonderful Savior, telling his
audience openly that his soul is ‘saved’, and
that he is ‘ready to go’. He seems certain
there is not much time left for the sinner
‘on the highway heading down below’. But his
Savior still answers the pleas and helps the
unbelief of everyone kneeling in deep
contrition at the throne of mercy. For
Dylan it seems to be the only place where
this sweet relief is to be found. And whoever
has found it can truly say: ‘I'm ready,
‘I Am The Man Thomas’ we have seen
six times so far; three times in September
2000, at first the European debut in Dublin,
and then both in Birmingham and in
Sheffield; and then again in May 2002,
when we saw Dylan open three concerts
with this challenging song, at first in
Brighton, and then both London shows one
week later.
‘I am the Man Thomas, I am the Man.
Look at these nail scars I carry in my
hand. They drove me up the hill … They
made me carry the cross … They crowned
my head with thorns … They nailed me
to the cross … They pierced me in the
side … I died on the cross … They buried
me in the tomb … In three days I rose … I
am the Man Thomas, I am the Man.
Look at these nail scars I carry in my
This was the first song since ‘Rise Again’
(performed 12 times in 1980, and once in
1981), in which Dylan speaks in the first
person as Jesus. Both songs are very overt
statements about the death and resurrection
of Jesus Christ. If ‘these nail scars’ didn’t
mean a lot to Dylan these days, he probably
would not have opened so many
concerts in 2002 with this song
(25 times from February to August), telling us
the familiar story written down in the
Gospel of John. Thomas believed after he
had seen his risen Lord. Maybe Dylan
intends to remind us that blessed are those
(on stage or in the audience) who do not see
and yet believe.
In August 2002 Dylan introduced the
latest gospel cover song into his song
repertoire, opening six North American shows
with ‘A Voice From On High’, telling his
audiences in very unambiguous words
about his lasting relationship to his Lord
who died on that old rugged cross. Once more
‘A Voice From On High’ was performed in October 2002,
in the middle of the second show of the fall tour.
‘The Saviour has paid a great price for
me. He died on the hill so that I should go
free. And I'll follow his footsteps up the
narrow way, and be ready to meet him
when he calls on that day. I hear a voice
calling, it must be our Lord. He's calling
from heaven on high. I hear a voice
calling, I've gained the reward, in the
land where we never shall die. He died on
the cross, that old rugged cross, so we
should be saved in our sins and not lost.
And I'll follow his footsteps up the
narrow way, and be ready to meet him
when he calls on that day.’
‘This World Can ’t Stand Long’, another
challenging cover song, was also introduced
in 1999, at the last show of the year,
and it has been performed in 37 shows until
2002, usually as the last song of
the first acoustic set. In September 2000 my
wife and I were among those lucky ones
who witnessed the first and so far only
European performance of this song, in
Glasgow, Scotland.
‘This world it can't stand long. Be ready,
don't wait too late. We should know it
can't stand long, for it is too full of hate …
For a long time this world has stood, gets
more wicked every day. The good maker,
who created it, surely won't let it stand
this way … This world has been
destroyed before, ‘cause it was too full of
sin, for that very reason it's going to be
destroyed again … If we only give our
hearts to God, let him lead us by the
hand, nothing in this world to fear, He'll
lead you across the burning sand.’
Dylan also seems deeply convinced of
the sombre message he tries to convey with
this song about this world ‘too full of sin’,
which ‘gets more wicked every day’, as he
warns his listeners to ‘be ready, don't wait
too late’. But he also seems confident that
the same hand that led him through seas
most severe will kindly assist him home.
From a Christian point of view, this
hand of God, with which He would take the
believer by the hand, and lead him beyond
the burning sand, is the same nail-scarred
hand Dylan is pointing out when
performing ‘I Am The Man Thomas’. It is
the same hand that would ever keep on
touching the trusting believer, prompting
him to shout ‘Glory, glory, glory’.
Of course, all these interpretations of
these lyrics only make sense assuming that
Dylan believes what he sings when
covering these old songs, and that he
intends to convey a message to his
audiences with them. The last song mentioned,
‘This World Can ’t Stand Long’, has a very
apocalyptic tone to it, which can also be
found in both old and new Dylan songs.
In recent performances of old songs like
‘A Hard Rain ’s a-Gonna Fall’ or ‘Down in
the Flood’ I always hear this apocalyptic
tone, as well as in those rare performances
of ‘God Knows’ (with its blunt statement
‘…gonna be no more water but fire next
time’) or in those not so rare performances
of two of his finest masterpieces,
‘Tryin’ To Get To Heaven’ (‘… before they
close the door’) and ‘Not Dark Yet’ (‘… but
it ’s getting there’).
‘Not Dark Yet’ probably has several
layers of meaning, but one of them clearly
conveys an important part of Dylan’s
belief in the last line of each verse: ‘It's not
dark yet, but it's getting there.’ There will
definitely be an end to this ‘world full of
lies’ and there is little time left until then,
for already the ‘shadows are falling’. The
two simple words ‘not ... yet’ however
indicate that ‘saving grace’ is still available,
and the cover songs mentioned above
leave no doubt where the singer believes
this grace to be found. Dylan recommends
his audience to ‘look at these nail scars’ of
his ‘wonderful Savior’ and to ‘kneel in deep
contrition’ ‘at the throne of mercy’.
‘Look up, look up, seek your Maker, ‘fore
Gabriel blows his horn’, the last line of the
last verse from ‘Sugar Baby’, conveys the
same message. It is also a perfect example
of Dylan taking words from another song,
which convey a biblical thought, and
incorporating them into one of his own
compositions. Lines like these, as well as
the very biblical messages of those cover
songs examined above, have been part of
many a concert in recent years, and I do
believe Dylan includes them for a reason,
intending to communicate something
very important to him.
In addition to this some of his own
Christian songs have been performed here
and there; not only the already mentioned
‘I Believe in You’, ‘In the Garden’, and
‘Every Grain of Sand’, but also the rare
‘Man of Peace’ with its grave warning
about the craftiness of the father of lies,
performed three times on the East Coast
of the United States in November 1999, as
well as in Newcastle in September 2000,
where my wife and I were a part of the
audience, two days after I had seen the
song already printed out on the cue sheet
in Glasgow.
The rocking gem ‘Gotta Serve
Somebody’, which had opened so many
shows in 1998 and 1999, also appeared once
in a while, in different positions in the set,
and it did shine every time, like the
Portsmouth performance did in 2000, which
was the first one I had seen since 1991. In
the summer of 2001 Dylan even chose to
perform ‘Gotta Serve Somebody’ eleven
times within two months. The fall tour of 2002
saw eight appearances of ‘In The Summertime’,
(which had not been performed since 1981,
the year it was recorded), with Dylan pointing out
‘the glory that is to be’, and telling his audiences
that he is ‘still carrying the gift’ which will be
with him ‘unto the grave and then unto eternity’.
With Dylan playing piano now most of the time, and singing from the
left side of the stage, the acoustic gospel cover songs did not continue
to appear, but already the first three concerts in 2003 saw the reappearance
of one of the finest of his own gospel songs, ‘Saving Grace’,
which had not been performed since May 1980. This gem has been performed
fourteen times in 2003, as well as numerous times already in 2004,
with Dylan publicly sharing that his faith keeps him alive, that
all his confidence is in Him, and his sole protection is the saving
grace that's over him; and also pointing out his conviction that
‘There's only one road and it leads to Calvary’.
‘I Believe In You’ also was performed anew four times in July 2003,
and more often already in 2004, always being a peak of the relevant
show it appears in, with Dylan confessing to his audience:
'This feeling's still here in my heeeaaarrrttt.
The European fall tour of 2003 saw 27 wonderful performances of
‘Every Grain Of Sand’, (four of which my wife and I were honored to witness,
first the word perfect Stockholm rendition on my 40th birthday, and then
the performances in Karlstad, Frankfurt, and Dublin), with Dylan
singing about his Master's hand, about every hair being numbered, and about some perfect
finished plan. In 2004 this jewel also appeared numerous times already, and we had the
pleausere to be present once more to hear this most beautiful of all Dylan songs in Belfast.
All these songs mentioned, including
the newly reintroduced ‘Solid Rock’ of 2002,
and ‘Saving Grace’ of 2003 and 2004,
clearly speak for themselves.
But I would also like to spotlight a few
examples of the numerous juxtapositions
of certain songs, which I do not see as
accidental, but as intentional, giving a
valid indication about Dylan’s biblical
viewpoints. Some of those observations
might seem pure speculation to some,
while others might share my opinion that
Dylan selects his set lists with just such
things in mind.
Assuming that Dylan himself is the
creator of his ever changing set lists, and
that the songs are chosen not at random
but deliberately, it is very interesting to see
what kind of songs appear together on
certain nights, and in what position within
the set. For example, when I hear within
consecutive songs, ‘If you go down in the
flood, it ’s gonna be your fault ... I ’m trying,
trying to get to heaven before they close the
door’ (as we did in Birmingham 2000, in a
show which had already started with ‘I Am
The Man Thomas’), I wonder if Dylan did
this on purpose. Another most thought-provoking
juxtaposition presented several
times in consecutive songs was: ‘This
world has been destroyed before, because it
was too full of sin, for that very reason it's
going to be destroyed again. ... Be ready
don't wait too late ... If you go down in the
flood it's gonna be your own fault ... It's
gonna be the meanest flood that anybody's
seen.’ Pure coincidence? I don ’t think so.
I wonder how many of those few
hundred lucky people who witnessed
Dylan’s fine performance in Horsens in
May 2000 agreed with his message that
night: ‘Hallelujah, I'm ready to go, it's a
hard rain's a-gonna fall, sooner or later we
all gonna have to serve somebody, I'm trying
to get to heaven before they close the door.’
When my wife and I saw Dylan at Vicar
Street in September 2000, and almost five
and a half years after his previous concert
in the Republic of Ireland he pulled out
‘Ring Them Bells’ in Dublin’s fair city
again (as he did in April 1995), singing the
‘chosen few who will judge the many when
the game is through’ verse twice again (as
he did in April 1995), I had the strong
impression that he probably still believes
Another connection of ‘Tryin’ to get to
Heaven’ with ‘Hallelujah, I'm ready to go’
struck me as well when I first noticed it.
Both songs were performed within the
same set several times, not only in
Horsens. I wrote in my Cardiff review
back in September 2000: ‘The third verse
started with “People at the station (sic),
waiting for the train.” We all know that the
train image is an important one for Dylan. I
never saw last night's opener in connection
with that, but in hindsight he sang
“Hallelujah” like someone who just had
been handed a vital train ticket, someone
who is “well dressed, waiting on the last
train”, the slow train coming, which is
picking up speed, as this world can't stand
long. People get ready, there's a train a-
coming. Hallelujah, I'm ready to go. -
Powerful indeed.’ Today I might add:
‘Some trains don't pull no gamblers.’
It is a serious subject Dylan sings about, and
actually there might be not much time to
gamble, so he keeps on warning: ‘Be ready,
don’t wait too late.’
When ‘Gotta Serve Somebody’ appeared
in the same concert with one of the three
gospel openers examined above (as in
both its 2002 performances in Florida, and
several others before that, for example in
Portsmouth 2000 and in Horsens 2000), I see this as
a deliberate statement about his faith on a
certain night. No believer is inclined to
share his belief all the time, and on some
nights Dylan simply stays silent on the
subject (as he does in most interviews or
press conferences). He alone, and no
journalist or audience member, is the one who
decides when to share something about
his faith, or how much.
So, when during the 2002 European
tour Dylan performed in consecutive shows
‘Every Grain of Sand’ and ‘In the Garden’
(‘Grain’ in Stuttgart and ‘Garden’ in
Munich), or ‘Every Grain of Sand’ and ‘I
Believe in You’ (‘Grain’ in Oberhausen
and ‘Believe’ in Brussels), it was not a
coincidence that he did this. When ‘In the
Garden’ had its first appearance after
almost twelve months, on the night after a
concert that had featured ‘Hallelujah, I ’m
Ready To Go’, ‘Solid Rock’, and the first
‘Every Grain of Sand’ of the year, it was a
very fitting surprise. And when the first
show in London was the third concert
within a month (after Berlin and
Frankfurt) where Dylan performed both ‘I
Am The Man Thomas’ and ‘Solid Rock’,
thus presenting an audience with two
songs about Jesus Christ (one about his
death and resurrection, and one stating
that for him this Jesus Christ was chastised,
hated, and rejected by a world that
He created) he probably did this on
The first ‘Solid Rock’ in August 2002 was performed
during the show in Omaha, which had
started with ‘A Voice From On High’, so
on this occasion Dylan again chose to sing
two songs about Jesus. And the second
‘Solid Rock’ in August in Saskatoon was directly
preceded by ‘This World Can’t Stand
Long’, which I see as another deliberate
juxtaposition: ‘This world it can't stand
long ... but I'm hanging on to a Solid Rock
made before the foundation of the world.’
In 2003 many performances of ‘Saving Grace’,
‘I Believe In You’, or ‘Every Grain Of Sand’ appeared during a set,
which also feautered a strong version of ‘Dignity’, with its
reference to the valley of dry bones from the book of Ezekiel,
to which this prophet was supposed to speak the word of the Lord:
"I will cause breath to enter you, and you shall live."
In 2004 there have been also already some interesting new combinations of songs,
for example in St. Louis in March, with the first ever appearance of ‘Every Grain Of Sand’
and ‘Saving Grace’ within one show; or in Washington D.C. in April, where ‘God Knows’,
‘Tryin' To Get To Heaven’, and ‘I Believe In You’ were performed in the same
concert (which also featured ‘Forever Young’, ‘Blind Willie McTell’, and
‘I Shall Be Released’). Also in April ‘Ring Them Bells’ appeared together with
‘Tryin' To Get To Heaven’ and ‘I Believe In You’ in Columbia; and in June, in Galway,
my wife and I saw Dylan perform a truly convincing ‘God Knows’, two songs before
he treated the audience to a magnificent "Not Dark Yet", the first one on Irish soil.
I am convinced that Dylan believes
what he sings in those songs mentioned above, and that the
biblical viewpoints conveyed on stage are
his own. I assume, that Dylan has
experienced, like countless other believers, his
Lord and Saviour as the Good Shepherd,
who cares for His sheep, and who is
looking out for them, even when they go
astray in their own ways. Dylan did not
initiate his relationship with Jesus; it was
his Lord who began the good work in him.
And it is not Dylan, but his Lord, who will
be the one fulfilling his promise to be
faithful and complete this good work.
Dylan knows he is only living by grace, and
he knows he'll make it by the same
saving grace that's over him.
Dylan keeps on ‘hanging in the balance
of a perfect finished plan’, just as he keeps
on ‘hanging on to a solid rock’. So when
Dylan is singing certain songs in recent
years, it not only tells me something about
him and his never ending belief
(‘I know I will sustain 'cause I believe in you’).
It also tells me a lot about the one he keeps
believing in, the one who in His never
ending mercy keeps on touching Dylan,
and who keeps on prompting him to
confess this in concert. I am confident that
Dylan's risen Lord will keep on touching
him with His nail-scarred hand, and will
finally lead him ‘beyond the burning sand’,
for Dylan is ‘ready to meet him when he
calls on that day’. Jesus Christ, whom
Dylan let in, and who saved his soul from
sin, remains for Dylan ‘a wonderful Savior
to know’, a ‘Solid Rock’ he ‘can ’t let go no